Glynwood Community Primary School

Governor Pen Portraits

Heather Maddison

Chair of Governors

Roles and Responsibilities - Co-opted Governor French Link

Committee and Working Party Membership – Pupil Disciplinary Curriculum and Standards

Occupation / Volunteer For – Administrator

Experience / Areas of Expertise:

Financial (European and National Government Funding), budget keeping and audit, fundraising for charities and Governance (constitutional advice)

Professional experience regarding adoption and fostering regulations, Adoption Support Fund, Education and Health Care Plans (SEN)

Other skills and relevant information, including training and why you became a Governor:

I am a local parent and grandparent with a strong interest in education and experience of different sectors (state and private – primary, comprehensive, academies and public school)

I have a love of music and sport (I am a qualified sports judge)

I have undertaken recent and regular training in Safeguarding, governor training provided by Gateshead Council and am knowledgeable of Pupil Exclusion procedures having received training and attended a number of permanent exclusion panels.

Elliott J Gibson

Co-opted Governor

Roles and Responsibilities

Community Governor and Vice Chair
Link Governor for Literacy, Library and Safeguarding

Committee and Working Party Membership

General Purposes and Staffing Committe
Head and Deputy Head Appointments
Curriculum and Pupils
Premises, Health and Safety

Occupation / Volunteer For – Retired Police Sergeant

Experience / Areas of Expertise – Crime Prevention and Personal Safety

Other Skills and Relevant Information, Including Training and Why You Became A Governor

BA (Hons) History
Safeguarding Children
Safety for Senior Executives
Safer Recruitment
Read, Write Inc, Maths Makes Sense, Guided Reading

Nancy Scott

Co-opted Governor

Roles and Responsibilities

Community Governor
Chair of Curriculum & Standards
Link Governor for Safeguarding and SEND

Committee and Working Party Membership

Curriculum and Standards
First Committee
Pay appeal

Occupation / Volunteer For

Youth and community worker
Learning mentor
Family worker
Outreach worker for Sure Start

Experience / Areas of Expertise

Building positive relationships with children and families

Other Skills and Relevant Information, Including Training and Why You Became A Governor

I have a passion for the local community and the lives of local children

Natalie McAdoo

Parent Governor

Roles and Responsibilities


Committee and Working Party Membership

Occupation / Volunteer For – Accounting Technician for Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, for over 20 years 

Experience / Areas of Expertise – 

Procurement (CIPS qualified), IOSH Health and Safety Qualification. Cadet Instructor and deliverer of the Princes Trust Team Programme for the Service (PTTLS and MHFA qualified). Delivering talks to schools and community groups. Risk Manager during Covid pandemic.

Other skills and relevant information, including training and why you became a Governor – 

As a child I attended Glynwood and now my children are here, I’m keen to keep a close connection to a school to which I feel a very close affiliation and is much loved in the community. I love watching children grow and develop and feel being in the role of Governor gives me the opportunity to influence and ensure the school delivers to its maximum potential and ensure children are getting the most out of their educational experience.