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Glynwood Community Primary School

Forest School

Forest School at Glynwood

Curriculum Intent – Forest School

Forest School is a child led teaching style of outdoor education, that allows children to become confident, resilient, responsible, independent learners. It builds self-esteem, creativity and awareness and knowledge of the natural environment, ensuring that ALL children can participate and succeed, which builds on our Mission Statement

“We will work together to ensure every child is supported and challenged to achieve their very best. At Glynwood, everyone is valued and everyone’s views count.”

Purpose / Aims

  • To give children the experience of working in the outdoors, to respect and care for it and gain a greater knowledge of their own local environment.
  • To join in with engaging, motivating and achievable tasks in the woodland environment.
  • To abide by rules and set standards of behaviour, to work cooperatively in groups and to respect each other.
  • To begin to make their own choices in risk assessing their own abilities.
  • To develop their curiosity, confidence, self-esteem, creativity, communication skills and knowledge of the natural environment.