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Failure to pay the Penalty Notice could result in the Local Authority starting legal proceedings against you for the offence of failing to ensure your childs regular attendance at school. The 2013 amendments to the 2006 Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations make clear that Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and that Head Teachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted. Parents / carers should seek permission for leave of absence during term time at least two weeks prior to the leave, fully explaining the reasons for the request. Each request should then be judged on a case by case basis by the Head Teacher. Please see our Attendance and Punctuality Policy for further information. School term dates are as follows FromToHalf Term HolsAutumn Term Wednesday 4 Sept. 2024 (Training Day Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd Sept.)Friday 20 December 202428 Oct - 1 Nov. 2024Spring Term Monday 6 January 2025Friday 11 April2025 24 - 28 Feb. 2025Summer Term Monday 28 April 2025Friday 18 July 202526 - 30 May 2025 All dates are inclusive. In addition to the above dates, schools will be closed to pupils on Monday 5 May 2025 (Bank Holiday). Three days within the above terms are to be used for professional development for staff. These dates are to be determined and agreed by individual school governing bodies. The start of the autumn term date is proposed as Monday 2nd September 2024 FromToHalf Term HolsAutumn Term Monday 1 Sept. 2025 (TBC)Friday 19 December 202527 - 31 Oct. 2025Spring Term Monday 5 January 2026Thursday 2 April2026 23 - 27 February 2026Summer Term Monday 20 April 2026Friday 17 July 202625 - 29 May 2026 P.T.O. Name of Pupil Date of Birth Class / Year Group Pupil Home Address  Adult with Parental Responsibility (1) Full Name Adult with Parental Responsibility (2) Full Name Address Address Contact Telephone Number Contact Telephone Number  I request permission for my child to be absent from school between First Day of Absence Return to School Total Number of School Days What are the exceptional circumstances you wish the school to consider regarding this request for absence? Please give as much detail as possible, including destination.  Declaration I have read and understood the information about leave of absence during term time, unauthorised absence and Penalty Notices. I am aware of the possible consequences should my child take leave of absence without prior authorisation of the Head Teacher. Signature.... Date For Office Use Application Received ______________ No. of days requested _____________ Days already taken ___________ Last Years Attendance _________% Current Attendance _________% Previous Referral Y / N Outcome Warning / Fine Authorised Y / N Referred Y / N Date SIMS Updated __________________ Headteachers Signature __________________________________________     !"PQRtv h ɸ}laTFT5 hxphzCJOJQJ^JaJhxphz5OJQJ^JhxphzOJQJ^JhghfOJQJ hb(XhfCJOJQJ^JaJhb(XhfH*OJQJ^Jhb(Xhf>*OJQJ^Jhb(XhfOJQJ^J#hWh25CJOJQJ^JaJ hxph JCJOJQJ^JaJ#hWhct5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #hWh?5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #hWh J5CJ OJQJ^JaJ "PQR: ;  >?`abc $Ifgdf^gdsrgd~ugd JgdL$a$gdz & Fgdfgdf$a$gdct$a$gd J    ) L _ >?_`ab̩ٜziI?hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH  hxphfCJOJQJ^JaJ hxph-CJOJQJ^JaJ hxph2CJOJQJ^JaJh~uhsrOJQJ^J#hxphu5CJOJQJ^JaJ hxphsrCJOJQJ^JaJhxphsrOJQJ^Jhxph$DOJQJ^JhxphuOJQJ^Jhxph2OJQJ^Jchkz{RG $9DIfgdfkd$$Ifl\T& m( O t0(644 layt~s $Ifgdfܼܣ`@@HhShfB*CJH*OJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH ?hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH ?h~sB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH Eh hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH 1h hfB*CJOJQJ^JaJnH phffftH ?hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH Eh hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH  ߼wi[iw;;?hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH h7UiCJOJQJ^JaJhfCJOJQJ^JaJ hxphfCJOJQJ^JaJEh hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH  h hfCJOJQJ^JaJEh hfB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH ?h~sB*CJOJQJ\^JaJeh@nH phr@tH 4FRkd$$Ifl\T& m( O t0(644 layt~s $Ifgdf34?@EThi|}òòòwfXfJwJwfwXh7UiCJOJQJ^JaJh-CJOJQJ^JaJ hxph? 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Failure   2 ._mcto pay the Penalty Notice could result in the Local Authority starting legal proceedings against you for the     w2 @_Hcoffence of failing to ensure your childs regular attendance at school.   2 @c  @BComic Sans MS- - -   2 U/c  --- 2 i;ecThe 2013 amendments to the 2006 Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations make clear that       @"Calibri- - - - - - --- L2 }N+cHead Teachers may not grant any leave of ab   G2 }s(csence during term time unless there are   - - -  2 }{ cexceptional    ---- - - - - -   2 9ccircumstances   --- 2 Vcand that Head Teachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away       A2 $cfrom school if the leave is granted.   2 c  @"Calibri- - -   2 /c  ---  2 /cP 2 7carents  2 `c  2 dc/ carers  2 c  2 cshould  (2 cseek permission for   2 Gc  +2 Kcleave of absence duri 2  cng term time    (2 .cat least two weeks    2  cprior to   2 /icthe leave, fully explaining the reasons for the request. Each request should then be judged on a case by   :2 /ccase basis by the Head Teacher.   2 c  @"Calibri- - -   2 /c  --- |2 /KcPlease see our Attendance and Punctuality Policy for further information.    2 c  @"Calibri- - -   2 ,/c  --- ;2 @/ cSchool term dates are as follows    2 @c  ---  2 N_c    2 [_c  q_(---  2 m/(_q  'q_--- 2 m_qFrom   2 m_q  'qS_--- 2 m_SqTo  2 m_Sq  'q_T---  2 m[T_qHalf Term Hols     2 mT_q  '- @ !^'-- @ !^'-- @ !r^(- - @ !^-- @ ! ^- - @ !^-- @ !^- - @ !^R-- @ !^S- - @ !^-- @ !^- - @ !_'- - @ !_- - @ !_- - @ !_R- - @ !_- q(--- 2 / (qAutumn Term     2 (q    2 /(q  'q@"Calibri--- 2 qWedne  2 qsday  2 q   2 q4  2 q  2 qSept.  2 q  2 q2024 fff 2 4q q--' - - - @"Calibri------- - - ---- - -  2  q(Training  2 q  2 qDay  2 q  2 qMonday   2 q  2 q2nd  2 2q   2 4q&   2 =q  2 @qTuesday  2 mq   2 pq3--- 2 wqrd- - -   2 q  2 qSep  2 qt  2 q.  2 q)  2 q q--' 'Sq--- 2 qSFriday  2 qS  2 qS20  2 qS  2 qSDecember    2 *qS  2 ,qS2024  2 HqS Sq--' 'qT--- 2 [Tq28 Oct   2 Tq   2 Tq-  2 Tq  2 Tq1 Nov   2 Tq.  2 Tq  2 Tq2024  2 Tq  '- @ !q'-- @ !rq(- - @ !q-- @ ! q- - @ !q-- @ !q- - @ !qR-- @ !qS- - @ !q- - @ !#r'- - @ !#r- - @ !#r- - @ !#rR- - @ !#r- (--- 2 / (Spring Term   2 x(    2 /(  '--- 2 Monday   2    2 6  2   2 January  2   2 2025 fff 2 / --' 'S--- 2 SFriday  2 S  2 S11  2 S  2 SApril   2 S  2  S2025  2 &S S--'   2 S  'T--- 2 [T24  2 iT   2 mT-  2 rT  2 uT28 Feb  2 T.  2 T  2 T2025  2 T  '- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !-- @ ! - - @ !-- @ !- - @ !R-- @ !S- - @ !- - @ !$'- - @ !$- - @ !$- - @ !$R- - @ !$- (--- 2 / (Summer Term    2 (    2 /(  '--- 2 Monday   2   2 28  2   2 April   2   2  2025  2 % --' 'S--- 2 SFriday  2 S  2 S18  2 S  2 SJuly  2 S  2 S2025  2  S S--' 'T--- 2 [T26  2 iT   2 mT-  2 rT  2 u T30 May 2025   2 T  '- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !-- @ ! - - @ !-- @ !- - @ !R-- @ !S- - @ !- - @ !#'- - @ !'-- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !#- - @ !-- @ ! - - @ !#- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !#R- - @ !R-- @ !S- - @ !#- - @ !-- @ !- - - -   2 _c    2 _c  @Symbol---@"Arial---- - - ---  2 Gc---  2 Mc - - -  /2 _cAll dates are inclusive.  2 c  ---- - - ---  2 Gc---  2 Mc - - -  M2 _,cIn addition to the above dates, schools will   2 Ic  .2 Kcbe closed to pupils on  2 cMonday   2 c   2 c5  2 c  2 cMay 202   2 ,c5  2 3c  #2 5c(Bank Holiday).   2 c  ---- - - ---  2 .Gc---  2 .Mc - - -  2 ._cThree  2 .}c  |2 .Kcdays within the above terms are to be used for professional development for     2 ."c  72 .%cstaff. These dates are to be   e2 ?_<cdetermined and agreed by individual school governing bodies.   2 ?c  ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---  2 PGc---  2 PMc - - -  _2 P_8cThe start of the autumn term date is proposed as Monday      2 Pc2--- 2 Lcnd- - -   2 Pc  2 P cSeptember 202   2 Pc4  2 P c    2 a/c    2 q/c  u(---  2 /(u  'Ju--- 2 uJFrom   2 uJ  'uK--- 2 RKuTo  2 aKu  'u---  2 uHalf Term Hols     2 qu  '- @ !t'-- @ !t'-- @ !rt(- - @ !t-- @ !t- - @ !tJ-- @ !tK- - @ !t-- @ !t- - @ !t-- @ !t- - @ !u'- - @ !u- - @ !uJ- - @ !u- - @ !u- (--- 2 / (Autumn Term     2 (    2 /(  'J--- 2 JMonday   2 J   2 J1  2 J  2 JSept  2 J.  2 J  2 J2025  2 J J--' ------ 2 J(TBC)- - -   2 J J--' 'K--- 2 RKFriday  2 xK  2 zK19  2 K  2 KDecember    2 K  2 K202  2 K5  2 K K--' '---  2 2  2 7  2 &   2 *-  2 /  2 231  2 @  2 DOct.   2 ]  2 `202  2 u5  2 |  '- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !J-- @ !K- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !- - @ !#'- - @ !#- - @ !#J- - @ !#- - @ !#- (--- 2 / (Spring Term   2 x(    2 /(  'J--- 2 JMonday   2 J   2 J5  2 J  2 JJanuary  2 J  2 J202  2 (J6 fff 2 /J J--' 'K--- 2 RKThurs 2 tKday  2 K   2 K2  2 K  2 KApril   2 K  2 K202  2 K6  2 K K--'   2 RK  '---  2 2  2 3  2 &   2 *-  2 /   2 22  2 97  2 @  2 D February 202  2 6  2   '- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !J-- @ !K- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !- - @ !$'- - @ !$- - @ !$J- - @ !$- - @ !$- (--- 2 / (Summer Term    2 (    2 /(  'J--- 2 JMonday   2 J   2 J2  2 J0  2 J  2 JApril   2 J  2  J202  2 J6  2 %J J--' 'K--- 2 RKFriday  2 xK   2 zK1  2 K7  2 K  2 KJuly  2 K  2 K202  2 K6  2 K K--' '---  2 2  2 5  2 &   2 *-  2 /  2 229  2 @  2 DMay 202   2 w6  2 ~  '- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !J-- @ !K- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !- - @ !#'- - @ !'-- @ !'-- @ !r(- - @ !#- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !#J- - @ !J-- @ !K- - @ !#- - @ !-- @ !- - @ !#- - @ !-- @ !- @"Calibri---  2 c    2 c   2 4ucP.T.O     2 4c.  2 4c    2 Kc  "Systemcc--ccbbaa?:pcf ՜.+,0 hp  Gateshead Councilz "Glynwood Community Primary School Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-.012345689:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F@Data /1Table7/WordDocument <\SummaryInformation(ODocumentSummaryInformation8MsoDataStore 0ցX35TV4B3ULEG5A==2 0ցItem  PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q