ࡱ> 463a bjbjzz 4"P\P\ $>$ IoR=.0>,F!F!IF!I`h#Jm<>F!> Z: Glynwood Community Primary School RE Policy At Glynwood Primary School we believe that it is important that all children are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential. This is achieved through a carefully planned curriculum which provides continuity and progression throughout the school and enables children to gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum. RE is intended to enrich and enhance learning and to encourage new experiences. Our scheme of work has been developed using Newcastle Syllabus as recommended by Gateshead LA and SACRE guidelines. Aims and Objectives encourage children to develop an understanding about RE encourage breadth, balance and progression in childrens development identify the potential for RE related activities within other subject areas provide the mechanism for the co-ordination and monitoring of pupil development measure current provision against statutory requirements develop a range of skills which will enable children to develop childrens knowledge and understanding of RE to resource the curriculum area of RE and ensure resources are used appropriately to ensure all children gain access to RE in accordance with the schools SEN and Equality policies to identify the development needs of staff, and provide training and support either within school or outside agencies Teaching of RE RE will be taught both as discrete RE lessons, on a half-termly basis and through other subjects as apropriate. Opportunities will be created within tasks to encourage the development of independent and collaborative learning and focus on a range of key skills. Resourcing of RE Equal Opportunities All children and staff, regardless of gender, race or ability have equal access to RE and appropriate steps will be taken to remove barriers and obstacles to such equal opportunities. Special Educational Needs. For pupils with special educational needs all RE tasks are differentiated appropriately and a wide variety of technological equipment is used to ensure that all children can access the curriculum. Involving parents, carers, governors and the community We recognise the value the above people can have in the provision of a quality RE curriculum and realise that they can enhance learning if used effectively. We actively encourage the involvement of other adults interested in or with specialism in our daily activities in school, and we seek to establish sound relationships between home and school. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend celebrations of a religious nature throughout the year. Assessment Children will be assessed against the key skills which are assigned to each unit of work for each year group. Pupils are encouraged to develop their understanding of RE through discussions within small and whole class groups. Progression Progression of RE skills will be delivered via the schools RE curriculum, and monitored by the subject co-ordinator. A guide to progression through the programmes of study for RE can be found in the scheme of work. 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